
Cooperative Societies Nankana Job Naib Qased

Cooperative Societies Nankana Job Naib Qased

Read Details.
In Cooperative Societies, the following job has been released in which the same job has been advertised can apply.

Note. For this job, write the application on a plain paper and send it to the address below in the advertisement and also attach their documents. If the age is more then age relaxation is also given and they can apply accordingly.

It is mandatory to submit the documents to the following address by the last date. Candidates holding government jobs can apply at the below level.

See the advertisement below for more information.

Vacancies Details.



Age Required.
👉18 to 25

Education Required.
👉Middle pass from a recognized educational institution is mandatory.

Vacancy No.

👉Naib Qased

Open Merit.
👉Sendh Quota/0
👉Minority Quota/0
👉Women Quota/0
👉Government Employment and In-Service Quota/0

Last Date apply.

Interviews Date Selection Candidates۔

👉Attached Application Plain Paper.

Attached Two/02 Photos.
👉Passport size

Contract Basis.
👉Only 5 years

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